Thursday, September 13, 2007


i discovered custo barcelona last week when i discovered tickets for him and zac posen on craigslist (which were of course way out of my price range) but surely enough i fell in with his unique designs with fun colors and prints. one thing i love about his designs that i don't see in many designers is how he uses memorizing patterns in most of his line.

in the outfit on the left i really love how he put the two pieces with such different patterns and manages to make them not clash. also somehow makes the black fit really well with the purple and silver hues used in both pieces. my only criticisms is the bag that seems to not fit with the colors or patterns of the outfit what-so-ever and just really throws the whole thing off for me.

now once upon a time with i was in about 7th grade one sleeves were so cool and i got a bright red one that showed off my midriff quite nicely. i believe that was one of my biggest fashion mistakes of that time of my life and believe me i was a terrible dresser. anyway ever since i figured out how to dress myself i though one shoulders were ugly and tacky because they usually are, but this dress is amazing. i swear it makes me want to go out and buy a one sleeve dress but i doubt anyone can do it as well as thing. it just flows so perfectly and doesn't get to flashy as many one sleeves tend to be.

okay so i realize how tacky this outfit looks but sometimes fabulous is tacky. now i really could just be attracted to this because its so fucking shiny or maybe its just the high waisted hot pants which i am sure if you wore out you'd get asked "how much?" but i could less because i think it's tons of crazy fun though i really hope no one wears anything like this out and about 'cause that would just be scary. it's great for the runway but that's about it.

image credit:

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